/** This program simulates the Buffon needle experiment and prints the resulting approximations of pi. */ public class NeedleSimulator { public static void main(String[] args) { Needle n = new Needle(); final int TRIES1 = 10000; final int TRIES2 = 1000000; for (int i = 1; i <= TRIES1; i++) n.drop(); System.out.printf("Tries = %d, Tries / Hits = %8.5f\n", TRIES1, (double) n.getTries() / n.getHits()); for (int i = TRIES1 + 1; i <= TRIES2; i++) n.drop(); System.out.printf("Tries = %d, Tries / Hits = %8.5f\n", TRIES2, (double) n.getTries() / n.getHits()); } }