1  /**
  2     This class counts how often dice values occur.
  3  */
  4  public class DiceCounter
  5  {
  6     private int[] counters;
  8     /**
  9        Constructs a dice counter suitable for dice with a given number
 10        of sides.
 11        @param sides the number of sides of the dice to be counted
 12     */
 13     public DiceCounter(int sides)
 14     {
 15        counters = new int[sides + 1];
 16     }
 18     /**
 19        Adds a die value to this counter.
 20        @param value the value. Must be between 1 and the number of sides.
 21     */
 22     public void addValue(int value)
 23     {
 24        counters[value]++;
 25     }
 27     /**
 28        Displays all counts.
 29     */
 30     public void display()
 31     {
 32        for (int j = 1; j < counters.length; j++)
 33        {
 34           System.out.println(j + ": " + counters[j]);
 35        }
 36     }
 37  }