1  import java.util.Scanner;
  3  /**
  4     This program runs a TicTacToe game. It prompts the
  5     user to set positions on the board and prints out the
  6     result.
  7  */
  8  public class TicTacToeRunner
  9  {
 10     public static void main(String[] args)
 11     {
 12        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
 13        String player = "x";
 14        TicTacToe game = new TicTacToe();
 15        boolean done = false;
 16        while (!done)
 17        {
 18           System.out.print(game.toString()); 
 19           System.out.print(
 20                 "Row for " + player + " (-1 to exit): ");
 21           int row = in.nextInt();
 22           if (row < 0) done = true;
 23           else
 24           {
 25              System.out.print("Column for " + player + ": ");
 26              int column = in.nextInt();
 27              game.set(row, column, player);
 28              if (player.equals("x")) 
 29                 player = "o"; 
 30              else 
 31                 player = "x";    
 32           }
 33        }
 34     }
 35  }