1  /**
  2     A bank customer with a checking and a savings account.
  3  */
  4  public class Customer
  5  {  
  6     private int customerNumber;
  7     private int pin;
  8     private BankAccount checkingAccount;
  9     private BankAccount savingsAccount;
 11     /**
 12        Constructs a customer with a given number and PIN.
 13        @param aNumber the customer number
 14        @param aPin the personal identification number
 15     */
 16     public Customer(int aNumber, int aPin)
 17     {  
 18        customerNumber = aNumber;
 19        pin = aPin;
 20        checkingAccount = new BankAccount();
 21        savingsAccount = new BankAccount();
 22     }
 24     /** 
 25        Tests if this customer matches a customer number 
 26        and PIN.
 27        @param aNumber a customer number
 28        @param aPin a personal identification number
 29        @return true if the customer number and PIN match
 30     */
 31     public boolean match(int aNumber, int aPin)
 32     {  
 33        return customerNumber == aNumber && pin == aPin;
 34     }
 36     /** 
 37        Gets the checking account of this customer.
 38        @return the checking account
 39     */
 40     public BankAccount getCheckingAccount()
 41     {  
 42        return checkingAccount;
 43     }
 45     /** 
 46        Gets the savings account of this customer.
 47        @return the checking account
 48     */
 49     public BankAccount getSavingsAccount()
 50     {  
 51        return savingsAccount;
 52     }
 53  }