1  import java.io.Serializable;
  2  import java.util.ArrayList;
  4  /**
  5     This bank contains a collection of bank accounts.
  6  */
  7  public class Bank implements Serializable
  8  {   
  9     private ArrayList<BankAccount> accounts;
 11     /**
 12        Constructs a bank with no bank accounts.
 13     */
 14     public Bank()
 15     {
 16        accounts = new ArrayList<BankAccount>();
 17     }
 19     /**
 20        Adds an account to this bank.
 21        @param a the account to add
 22     */
 23     public void addAccount(BankAccount a)
 24     {
 25        accounts.add(a);
 26     }
 28     /**
 29        Gets the sum of the balances of all accounts in this bank.
 30        @return the sum of the balances
 31     */
 32     public double getTotalBalance()
 33     {
 34        double total = 0;
 35        for (BankAccount a : accounts)
 36        {
 37           total = total + a.getBalance();
 38        }
 39        return total;
 40     }
 42     /**
 43        Counts the number of bank accounts whose balance is at
 44        least a given value.
 45        @param atLeast the balance required to count an account
 46        @return the number of accounts having least the given balance
 47     */
 48     public int count(double atLeast)
 49     {
 50        int matches = 0;
 51        for (BankAccount a : accounts)
 52        {
 53           if (a.getBalance() >= atLeast) matches++; // Found a match
 54        }
 55        return matches;
 56     }
 58     /**
 59        Finds a bank account with a given number.
 60        @param accountNumber the number to find
 61        @return the account with the given number, or null if there
 62        is no such account
 63     */
 64     public BankAccount find(int accountNumber)
 65     {
 66        for (BankAccount a : accounts)
 67        {
 68           if (a.getAccountNumber() == accountNumber) // Found a match
 69              return a;
 70        } 
 71        return null; // No match in the entire array list
 72     }
 74     /**
 75        Gets the bank account with the largest balance
 76        @return the account with the largest balance, or null if the
 77        bank has no accounts
 78     */
 79     public BankAccount maximum()
 80     {
 81        if (accounts.size() == 0) return null;
 82        BankAccount largestYet = accounts.get(0);
 83        for (int i = 1; i < accounts.size(); i++) 
 84        {
 85           BankAccount a = accounts.get(i);
 86           if (a.getBalance() > largestYet.getBalance())
 87              largestYet = a;
 88        }
 89        return largestYet;
 90     }
 91  }