public class SimpleFractionTest { public static void main(String[] args) { testNumeratorDenominatorConstructor(); } private static void testNumeratorDenominatorConstructor() { Fraction f; // value produced by the constructor int n; // convenience varible for the numerator value int d; // convenience varible for the denominator value // Test Case 1: check the boundary case of a zero numerator "0/1". f = new Fraction(0,1); if ((n = f.getNumerator()) != 0 && (d = f.getDenominator()) != 1) { System.out.println("Got " + n + "/" + d + ", expected 0/1"); } // Test Case 2: check a simple case the doesn't need reduction. f = new Fraction(1,2); if ((n = f.getNumerator()) != 1 && (d = f.getDenominator()) != 2) { System.out.println("Got " + n + "/" + d + ", expected 1/2"); } // Test Case 3: check a case that needs some reduction. f = new Fraction(4,8); if ((n = f.getNumerator()) != 1 && (d = f.getDenominator()) != 2) { System.out.println("Got " + n + "/" + d + ", expected 1/2"); } } }