CSC 103 Lab Notes Week 1
Getting Started with Assignment 1

  1. Make a protected csc103 directory under your latte account as follows:
    cd ~
    mkdir csc103
    chmod go-rx csc103
    Confirm your understanding of these UNIX commands by reading about them in the users guide on Fundamental UNIX Commands (AIX20102), available at

  2. Copy the assignment template file to your csc103 directory as follows:
    cd ~/csc103
    cp ~gfisher/classes/103/assignments/1/ .
    Copy the GeneralList.class and files in the same manner.
    1. Confirm your understanding of these UNIX commands by reading about them in the users guide.
    2. NOTE: try typing the TAB key after typing one or two initial characters in a file path.

  3. Augment your UNIX .cshrc file as follows:
    echo "setenv CLASSPATH latte/home/faculty/gfisher/classes/103/lib:." >> ~/.cshrc
    source ~/.cshrc

  4. Compile and execute the GeneralListTest program as follows:
    cd ~/csc103
    javac -g
    java GeneralListTest
    1. NOTE: Do not compile in your csc103 directory.
      1. The GeneralList.class you copied is the working solution whereas the file is just the template.
      2. If you compile the template, you'll get errors because it is not yet properly implemented.
    2. Confirm your understanding of these UNIX commands by reading the UNIX man pages for them, as follows:
      man javac
      man java
  5. Invoke the bluej environment as follows:
    1. In the BlueJ manual, read about how to load and execute the GeneralList and GeneralListTest classes.
    2. Experiment with the GeneralListTest by adding some more test cases to it, recompiling it, and rerunning it.

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