CSC 103 Lab Notes Week 5
Hashing Exercises

The following are some exercises that are directly relevant to Assignment 3.
  1. Implement HashTable.delete and add some test cases for it into Recompile and rerun the tests.

  2. Write a program that performs HashTable tests using InformationRecord s as the table entries instead of IntEntrys. There's a basic skeleton for the program in the examples directory.

  3. Modify enter, lookup, and delete to permit entries with duplicate keys.

  4. Figure out what kind of program change(s) would cause HashTable.enter to throw an HashIndexInvalid exception. Make the change(s) and rerun the simple test program to confirm that the exception is raised.

  5. Modify InformationRecord to use name instead of id as the key. Update HashTableTest to test this new version of InformationRecord. Note that this change means you need to reimplement the InformationRecord.hash method along the lines of Approach 3 discussed in the Week 5 lecture notes. I.e., you can use the code in the hash3 method in the example Hashing class. (The code for hash3 is in examples/ ).