X Team Work Breakdown

Milestone Deliverables Name1 Name2 Name3 Name4 Name5 Name6
0 Link to related tool website AwesomeTestTool.com          
1 Section 1.x file
Section 1.5.x file
2 Section 2 files scenario-a.html
scenario-b.html (50%)
3 Java Package(s)
and/or Class(es)
B.java (50%)
4 Section 2 files
Java code
inspection test files
Same file types
as Milestone 3 +
testing files
5 Section 2 files
Java code
Testing code
Same file types
as Milestone 3 +
testing files
6 Section 2 files
Java code
Testing code
Same file types
as Milestone 3 +
testing files
7 Java code
Testing code
Same code file types
as Milestone 3 +
testing files
8 Java code
Testing code
Same code file types
as Milestone 3 +
testing files
9 Java code
Testing code
Same code file types
as Milestone 3 +
testing files
10 Java code
Testing code
Same code file types
as Milestone 3 +
testing files

The following are instructions for filling in this file; delete the instructions when done.

  1. Fill in your team name where "X" appears above.

  2. Fill in your team's member names where Name1 through Name6 appear.

  3. For each submitted milestone, fill in the linked names of the files produced by each team member. There are some sample links in the first few rows of the table to give you some concrete examples. Each milestone writeup will have specific details of the work to be submitted, and the types of files that the work is in.

    IMPORTANT: All entries in this table must be actual file names and defined as HTML links to the files themselves. For example, here's the entry for the Milestone 1 file named intro.html:

    <a href="../requirements/intro.html">

  4. If two or more team members work on the same file, the list in parentheses after the file link what percentage each member contributes. The percentages must add up to 100 for each multi-author file.

The contents of this file will expand throughout the quarter, as you work on each milestone.