5.3. Viewing (view.rsl)
* Module View defines the objects and operations related to the different
* calendar views available to the user. The structural viewing levels are
* item, day, week, month, and year. There are operations to go to the
* previous and next views at any level, as well as an operation to go to a
* specific date. Lists of scheduled items can be viewed in a variety of ways.
* A general view filter operation can be applied to both structural and list
* views. Operations are available to view other users' calendars and to view
* a list of active viewing windows.
* NOTE: this is work in progress. A good deal of objects are yet to be
* defined.
module View;
from CalendarDB import CalendarDB, UserCalendar, UserWorkSpace;
from Schedule import ScheduledItem, StartTime, Duration, Title, Category,
Location, Security, Priority, Date, Hours, Minutes, DateNumber, Time,
Hour, Minute, AmOrPm, DayName, MonthName;
object DailyAgenda is
components: Date and EventTitle* and TimeSlotDescriptor* and
description: (*
A DailyAgenda contains scheduled item information for a calendar day.
The Date indicates the day of the agenda. The EventTitle list contains
the titles of zero or more events scheduled to occur on this day. The
TimeSlotDescriptor list contains time-tagged descriptors for scheduled
appointments and meetings. The TaskDescriptor list is a numbered list
of tasks scheduled to be due on this day.
end DailyAgenda;
object EventTitle is Title
description: (*
The title of an event as shown in the list of events for a day.
object TimeSlotDescriptor is
components: TimeSlotName and BriefItemDescriptor* and Overlaps;
description: (*
A time slot descriptor represents one slot (physically, a row) in a
daily agenda. The TimeSlotName component is the start time for the
slot. The list of BriefItemDescriptors contains the items that begin
within the slot, where "within" is defined as the start time plus the
current time increment. The overlaps component is a list of items with
start times that overlap with an item in the BriefItemDescriptor list.
end TimeSlotDescriptor;
object TimeSlotName is Time
description: (*
A TimeSlotName consists of a numeric TimeValue and an AmOrPm indicator.
end TimeSlotName;
object BriefItemDescriptor is
components: Title and StartTime and Duration and Category;
description: (*
A brief item descriptor contains a subset of the information for a full
scheduled item. The information is a Title, StartTime, Duration, and
end BriefItemDescriptor;
object Overlaps is
components: BriefItemDescriptor*;
description: (*
Overlaps contain zero or more BriefItemDescriptors that overlap with
with the master item in a given time slot. An overlapping item is one
with a StartTime within the same time slot as other items. The
"master" item in a time slot is the item that is first in a sorted
order based on start time, duration, and alphabetic title as the
primary, secondary, and tertiary sort keys, respectively.
end Overlaps;
object TaskDescriptor is
components: TaskNumber and TaskTitle;
description: (*
A TaskDescriptor is one item in a number list of tasks.
end TaskDescriptor;
object TaskNumber is integer
description: (*
The ordinal number of a task relative to other tasks.
object TaskTitle is Title
description: (*
The free-form title of a task.
object DailyFormatOptions is
components: NormalTimeRangeOption and TimeIncrementOption and
IncrementHeightOption and ShowHide24HoursOption and
ShowHideExactTimeOption and ShowHideDashedLinesOption and
ShowHideExtensionArrowsOption and ProportionalSpacingOnOffOption and
DisplayOverlapsOption and ShowHideEventsOption and
ShowHideTasksOption and DefaultHeightAndWidthOption;
description: (*
DailyFormatOptions control the details of how daily agenda information
is formated.
end DailyFormatOptions;
object NormalTimeRangeOption is StartTime and EndTime
description: (*
NormalTimeRangeOption defines the starting and ending times that
normally appear in the left column of the daily agenda. The default
range of times is 8AM to 5PM.
object TimeIncrementOption is Hours and Minutes
description: (*
TimeIncrementOption defines the time increment of the left column
labels in the daily agenda. The smallest allowable time increment is
five minutes, the largest is twelve hours. When the time increment is
less than one hour, the time labels are shown in hour and minute
format; when the increment is one hour or greater, the labels are shown
as hours with no minutes. The default increment is one hour.
object IncrementHeightOption is integer
description: (*
IncrementHeightOption option defines the default minimum number of text
lines shown in each time increment of a daily agenda. If there are
more items starting in an increment than fit in the minimum number of
lines, the system automatically increases the height for that increment
to a size sufficient to display all items fully. The default value is
two lines per increment.
object ShowHide24HoursOption is Show or Hide
description: (*
ShowHide24HoursOption toggles between showing a full 24 hours of
display versus the normal time range only in daily agenda. If the
24-hour time range is shown, non-normal times are shown with a light
grey background, to distinguish them from normal times. The default
value for this option is to hide non-normal times.
object ShowHideExactTimeOption is Show or Hide
description: (*
ShowHideExactTimeOption toggles between showing or not showing the
starting and ending times for each scheduled item immediately to the
left of the title in a daily agenda. This option is useful when items
do not typically start or end exactly on the hour. The default value
for this option is to hide the exact time.
object ShowHideDashedLinesOption is Show or Hide
description: (*
ShowHideDashedLinesOption toggles between showing and not showing the
dashed lines that appear above and below items that do not start or end
on the hour in a daily agenda. The default is to show dashed lines.
object ShowHideExtensionArrowsOption is Show or Hide
description: (*
ShowHideExtensionArrowsOption toggles between showing and not showing
the down-pointing arrows for items with end times that extend beyond
the hour of the start time in a daily agenda. The default is to show
extension arrows.
object ProportionalSpacingOnOffOption is On or Off
description: (*
ProportionalSpacingOnOffOption toggles between placing items
proportionally down from the top of the hour based on starting time in
a daily agenda. When the option is off, the first (only) item in an
hour is placed at the top of that hour and any other items starting in
the hour are placed immediately below it. The default is proportional
spacing on.
object DisplayOverlapsOption is Horizontal or Vertical
description: (*
DisplayOverlapsOption controls how items with overlapping times are
displayed in a daily agenda. When displayed horizontally, overlapping
items appear side-by-side in separate columns of the day view. When
displayed vertically, overlapping items appear on separate lines in a
single column, sorted by start time, duration, and title. The default
is horizontal display.
object ShowHideEventsOption is Show or Hide
description: (*
ShowHideEventsOption toggles between showing or not showing the list of
events in a daily agenda. The default is to show events if any are
object ShowHideTasksOption is Show or Hide
description: (*
ShowHideTasksOption toggles between showing or not showing the list of
tasks in a daily agenda. The default is to show tasks if any are
object DefaultHeightAndWidthOption is Height and Width
description: (*
DefaultHeightAndWidthOption controls the width and height of the full
daily agenda. If one or both of the default dimensions is too small to
accommodate all information in the display, the information is
truncated appropriately and scrollbars are added to the display window.
object EndTime is TimeSlotName
description: (*
Ending time in the normal time range option.
object Show
description: (*
Option indicator for a show/hide option, indicating that the option
state is "show".
object Hide
description: (*
Option indicator for a show/hide option, indicating that the option
state is "hide".
object On
description: (*
Option indicator for an on/off option, indicating that the option state
is "on".
object Off
description: (*
Option indicator for an on/off option, indicating that the option state
is "off".
object Horizontal
description: (*
Option indicator for displaying overlaps horizontally.
object Vertical
description: (*
Option indicator for displaying overlaps vertically.
object Height is integer
description: (*
Height value for the default height and width option.
object Width is integer
description: (*
Width value for the default height and width option.
object WeeklyAgendaTable is
components: ;
description: (*
end WeeklyAgendaTable;
object WeeklyAgendaList is
components: ;
description: (*
end WeeklyAgendaList;
object MonthlyAgenda is
components: FullMonthName and FirstDay and NumberOfDays and SmallDayView*;
description: (*
A MonthlyAgenda contains a small daily view for each day of the month,
organized in the fashion typical in paper calendars.
end MonthlyAgenda;
object FullMonthName is MonthName and Year;
object Year is integer;
object FirstDay is DayName;
object NumberOfDays is integer;
object SmallDayView is
components: DateNumber and BriefItemDescriptor*;
description: (*
A SmallDayView has the number of the date and a list of zero or more
brief item descriptors.
end SmallDayView;
object YearlyCalendar is
components: ;
description: (*
end YearlyCalendar;
operation ViewItem(CalendarDB)->ScheduledItem;
operation ViewDay(cdb:CalendarDB)->agenda:DailyAgenda
* The output is the agenda is for the currently selected date, if any,
* today's date otherwise.
description: (*
ViewDay produces a DailyAgenda for the currently selected date in the
given calendar DB, or for today's date if no other date is currently
end ViewDay;
operation ViewWeekTable(CalendarDB)->WeeklyAgendaTable;
operation ViewWeekList(CalendarDB)->WeeklyAgendaList;
operation ViewMonth(CalendarDB)->MonthlyAgenda
description: (*
The output is taken both from the user's own calendar as well as the
system version of the user's calendar when the latter contains
penciled-in meetings.
operation ViewYear(CalendarDB)->YearlyCalendar;
operation GotoNext(CalendarDB)->ViewLevel;
operation GotoPrevious(CalendarDB)->ViewLevel;
operation GotoDate(CalendarDB)->ViewLevel;
operation ViewAppointmentsList(CalendarDB)->AppointmentsList;
operation ViewMeetingsList(CalendarDB)->MeetingsList;
operation ViewTasksList(CalendarDB)->TasksList;
operation ViewEventsList(CalendarDB)->EventsList;
operation ViewAllItemsList(CalendarDB)->AllItemsList;
operation ViewOtherUser(CalendarDB)->UserCalendar;
operation ViewWindows(CalendarDB)->WindowNameList;
object ViewLevel is ScheduledItem or DailyAgenda or WeeklyAgendaTable or
WeeklyAgendaList or MonthlyAgenda or YearlyCalendar;
object AppointmentsList is AppointmentListItem*
description: (*
An AppointmentsList is the collection of items that appear in the list
view of appointments.
object MeetingsList;
object TasksList;
object EventsList;
object AllItemsList;
object AppointmentListItem is
components: Title and Date and Time and Duration and Recurs and
Category and Location and Security and Priority;
description: (*
An AppointmentListItem is the somewhat abbreviated description of an
appointment that appears in appointments and meetings list views. The
precise relation between a full Appointment compared to an
AppointmentListItem is as follows:
* The selected date in the current calendar is set to the given date.
cdb'.workspace.calendars[1].selected_date = date;
description: (*
Select a date in the current calendar. The most typical reason for
date selection is as the argument to a view command.
end SelectDate;
* A major bit of aux function spec will be opaque functions that define the
* externally defined day/date computations.
end View;
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