Acceptance Test Plan for Schedule Event

Case Inputs Outputs Remarks
1 Select the Event item in Schedule menu. Enter the following values in the dialog and press OK: Title="Event 0", Start Date="Jan 1, 0001", End Date="", Category="none", Security="Public". Select the 'Goto Date ...' item in the View menu, goto Jan 1, 0001, confirm in the Monthly Agenda display that the event has been scheduled at the given date. Schedule an event at the earliest possible calendar date.
2 Select Event item in Schedule menu. Enter the following values in the dialog and press OK: Title=any string at least 100 characters long, Start Date="Jan 1, 0001", End Date="Dec 31, 9999", Category="none", Security="Private". Select the 'Goto Date ...' item in the View menu, goto Dec 31, 9999, confirm in the Monthly Agenda display that the event has been scheduled at the given date. Schedule an event starting at the earliest possible calendar date and ending at the latest possible date.
3-4 Schedule the events in shown in Figures 100 and 101 of Section 2.4.3 of the requirements document. Select the 'Goto Date ...' item in the View menu, goto the scheduled dates, confirm in the Monthly Agenda display that the events have been scheduled at the given dates. Schedule two typical events from the requirements scenarios.
5-13 Schedule the 8 non-holiday events listed in Figure 103 of Section 2.4.3 of the requirements. Select the Events item in the Lists sub-menu in the View menu. Confirm that all 8 of the scheduled events appear in the displayed list, as shown in Figure 103. Schedule eight more typical events, as presented in the requirements.
14 Schedule an event with the following erroneous values: Title="", Start Date="xxxx", End Date=any string at least 100 characters long Confirm that the error dialog is displayed with three messages for the erroneous values. Test the entry of erroneous input values.