package caltool.caldb; /**** * * Class UserCalendarTest is the companion testing class for UserCalendar . It implements the following module * test plan: *
 *    Phase 1: Unit test the constructor.
 *    Phase 2: Unit test the simple get/set methods: getUid, getFile,
 *	       setFile, getOptions, setOptions, getSelectedDate,
 *	       setSelectedDate.
 *    Phase 3: Unit test add, saving the constructed results for subsequent
 *             tests.
 *    Phase 4: Unit test getItem, using items added in Phase 3.
 *    Phase 5: Unit test getItems, using items added in Phase 3.
 *    Phase 6: Unit test delete, deleting the items added in Phase 3.
 *    Phase 7: Repeat phases 1 through 6.
 *    Phase 8: Stress test by constructing and destructing items collection of 
 *             100000 elements.
*/ public class UserCalendarTest extends UserCalendar { }