CSC 307 HTML Basics

This is a simple HTML document that illustrates a few basic HTML commands. "HTML" is an acronym for "Hyper Text Markup Language". A document written in a markup language contains formating commands interspersed with regular text. The formating commands, called tags in HTML, define how the document appears when viewed in an HTML browser, such as Firefox, Chrome, or Internet Explorer.

Markup tags in HTML have the following basic structure:

Most tags come in begin/end pairs, and appear in a document like this:
<tag-name> ... document-text ... </tag-name>
For example, the HTML paragraph tags are <p> and </p>. These tags designate the beginning and ending of a paragraph of text.

A good way to see what the formating commands do is to view the raw HTML version of a document compared to how it appears in a browser. This will give you a good idea of what the various tags do in the way of formating. In a browser, you can use the the `View Source' command to see the raw HTML. In the paper version of this handout, the raw HTML follows on the next page.

A nice beginners guide to HTML is available at
There many other online resources available for HTML. A good source is the HTML Writers Guild, at
For HTML specifics of the 307 requirements document, see the raw html files in the 307 examples directory, starting with the Milestone 1 example at