CSC 307 Milestone 9

Due: Wednesday December 2nd and Friday December 4th, per the this schedule


Each team will give a 24-minute oral presentation of their work for the quarter. The following are general guidelines for the presentations:

  1. Prepare the presentation on appropriate media.

  2. Practice your presentation at least once in advance for timing.

  3. Suggested presentation outline and timing:

    1. Problem analysis

      1. 2-3 minutes; keep it short, since the class has seen this information before.

      2. Provide an executive summary for the project, including who the selected clients are; refine things from the mid-term presentation as appropriate.

      3. You can briefly mention any particularly interesting customer discussions or negotiations.

    2. End User Requirements

      1. 13-15 minutes.

      2. Cover most interesting aspects of the scenarios in Section 2 of the spec document.

    3. Highlights of the Design and Formal Spec

      1. 7-8 minutes.

      2. cover the most interesting aspects of the spec

      3. DO NOT show slides with lots of Java/Spest code; show large-font Java/Spest excerpts and/or UML diagrams.

  4. Plan to answer questions during and/or after presentation.

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