CSC 307 Milestones 3 and 4

CSC 307 Milestones 3 and 4
Revised 16 October



Your work for Milestones 3 and 4 involves continuation of the work begun in Milestone 2, initial work on modeling, inspection testing, and administrative activities. The specific tasks are as follows:

  1. Complete Section 1 of the requirements specification document, addressing all comments in your Milestone 1 evaluation; this work is due by Wednesday of the fifth week, along with your updates to requirements Section 2.

  2. Continue to refine and add new functional requirements scenarios to Section 2, based in particular on customer feedback; each team member must finish at least one requirements scenario, to the level of completeness illustrated in Section 2.2 and Section 2.3, and its subsections of the Milestone 4 example.

    As discussed during milestone 2 evaluations, the following are important general aspects of the requirements that must be completed:

    1. the prose style must be in present tense, third person, active voice

    2. the scenarios must flow in a reasonable way and use a consistent set of examples throughout

    3. all examples must use real concrete data for CSC test questions and tests; you can use questions from some posted sample tests from CSC 101 and 102, or make up questions of your own; the posted samples are here: 307/classes/examples/sample-tests/

  3. Begin work on the formal Java model of your system, in the form of a rough first draft of model modules, objects, and operations. In Java, these are represented respectively as packages, classes, and methods. For this milestone, the model must:

    1. be organized into packages

    2. have all classes and methods declared all abstract

    3. have draft javadoc comments for all packages, classes, methods, and instance variables

    4. compile with the javac compiler

    5. have documentation generated with the javadoc

    The model package directories and .java files are checked into the project specification directory.

  4. Assign and perform inspection test duties for Week 5. Each team member will inspect the work of another fellow team member. It can be helpful if the work being inspected is related to the work being done by the inspector, but that is not required.

    Record the duties in the file administration/inspection-roster.html , in a table of the following form:

    Team Member Initials Requirements Section Number(s) and Title(s)
    member a    
    member b    
    member c    
    member d    
    member e    
    member f    

    The last column can be one or more sections of the requirements, depending on the team work breakdown. The point is that each team member inspects the work of another team member, and hence has her or his work inspected by another member.

    There are additional instructions for the inspection test procedure SOP on requirements testing.

  5. Refine the individual work assignments for each team member's contributions to Section 2 of the requirements specification. Record these assignments in the work-breakdown.html file in the project administration directory.

We will discuss details of tasks 2, 3, and 4 in lecture during the fourth and fifth weeks.

Summary of Deliverables


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