The CSC 307 Project

The CSC 307 Project -- A Testing Tool

Given below is a list of features for the TestTool project we'll be working on this quarter. The list is an initial set of ideas that your customers have for the features they'd like in the tool. Your job in the first few weeks of the quarter is the help the customers clarify our ideas, and document precisely what features the tool will actually have.

The documentation will be in a software requirements specification. This specification is at the level a customer should set down when contracting for a piece of software. Your specification will be based on customer interviews, with your instructor and teaching assistants in the role of customers. When developing this specification, your team will play the role of system analysts.

You should be creative and ambitious with your specifications. In particular, do not worry about specifying a project that will be too hard to implement. Your job in the fifth week of the quarter will be to prioritize the requirements into a subset of features that can be implemented in the second half of the quarter.

The core features of the TestTool are:

Some additional observations about the project are:

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