Executable jar file
for the Spest specification checker
Using Spest:
Download the jar file to a location of your choice.
Make sure all of the Java files to be checked have compiled correctly with
javac and that the .class files are located somewhere within
your specification directory.
Invoke the Spest checker from the Desktop icon or with the command line:
java -jar spest.jar
In the GUI, navigate to the root directory for your Java specification.
For right now in 308, leave the 'Test Output Directory' text field empty.
For right now in 308, copy the root directory path into the 'Classpath
Directory' text field.
Press the 'Validate' button at the bottom of the UI window.
The validation results may take a few sections to appear in the 'Console
Output' text area.
Scroll to the top of the 'Console Output'.
The name of each checked file is printed in the output area.
If there are no Spest checking errors, there's a blank line after the fill
Any errors in a file are reported with a compiler-style message, including the
line and character number where the error occurs.
If there's an error you can't figure out how to fix, make a note of it, move
the affected file from the 'Selected:' list in the GUI into the 'Ignored:'
list, and send an email about it to gfisher@calpoly.edu and
We appreciate your participation and patience in the development of the Spest