2.10. Help

For bulk and as horse pepples, the Rolodex help file is herewith dumped wholesale. The Rolodex help was left simple so we could get on with life. A feature that (may) need(s) to go here that is not in Rolodex help is the +/- explorer-style navigation of the contents window, and problably of the index if the index goes to greater than one level. Also, there (maybe) should be a Troubleshooting section at the end of the Users Manual. Finally, we may want to have indexed help allow multiple occurrances of the index phrase, most likely with prev/next buttons to move between them.

Here be the Rolohelp ...

As with the File and Edit commands, processing of Help varies in different operating environments. In particular, some operating environments have specific standards or conventions for the delivery of help information. The requirements here (and in Appendix C) are generic and operating-environment independent. What is specified here is the required content for the help information. This content may be reformatted and possibly reorganized, based on environment-specific conventions.

2.10.1. About

When the user selects About from the Help menu, the system displays the pop-up dialog shown in Figure 309.

Figure 309: About the rolodex tool.

The specific contents of the About message are subject to change, based on the latest version, release date, and repository address. To remove the about message from the screen, the user presses the OK button at the bottom of the About dialog window.

2.10.2. Quick Help

When the user selects Show Quick Help from the Help menu, the system enters Quick Help Mode. In this mode, the system displays a small pop-up message when the user moves the mouse over elements of the display for which quick help is available. For example, Figure 310 shows the result of the user selecting Show Quick Help and then moving the mouse over the File menu.

Figure 310: Quick help for the File menu.

In quick help mode, the help messages appear with or without any mouse button depressed, whenever the mouse is moved over a display element for which quick help is available. In this way, the user can view quick help for display elements that may appear only when the mouse is depressed, such as menu items. When the user moves the mouse off of an element for which quick help is displayed, the quick help message is removed from the screen.

Figures 311 and 312 show two additional quick help examples, when the user has moved the mouse over the File->New menu item and over the OK button in the add-card dialog.

Figure 311: Quick help for File New.

Figure 312: Quick help for add card OK.

Whenever quick help is displayed, the help message box appears immediately below the element to which it applies, with the left side of the message box aligned with the horizontal center of the element. Each element for which help is available has a quick help activation area defined. This is the area within which the mouse is moved to activate quick help for the element. Geometrically, the quick help activation area is the smallest enclosing rectangle around the screen element for which quick help is available.

After entering quick help mode, the system changes the Show Quick Help menu item to Hide Quick Help. When the user subsequently reselects the Help menu, it appears as shown in Figure 313.

Figure 313: Hide quick help.

When the user selects Hide Quick Help, the system exits quick help mode so that quick help messages no longer appear. Each successive selection of the quick-help menu item toggles the menu item text between Show Quick Help and Hide Quick Help.

The complete list of display elements for which quick help is available is given in Appendix C.1

2.10.3. Detailed Help

When the user selects Detailed Help from the Help menu, the screen appears as shown in Figure 314.

Figure 314: Initial detailed help screen.

Detailed help is displayed in a pop-up window, separate from the main Rolodex Tool window. The detailed help window is divided into two horizontal panes. The narrower pane on the left has controls for selecting sections of help information. The wider pane on the right displays the selected information.

The detailed help control panel consists of three tabs for selecting information. The Contents tab displays a table of contents for the major topics of information. The Index tab displays an alphabetic subject listing. The Search tab allows the user to search for a keyword or string that appears anywhere in the help information.

The content of detailed help is a reformatted version of the same content that appears in the Rolodex Tool Users Manual in Appendix A. Details of the manual-to-help reformatting are given in Appendix C.2. Detailed Help Contents

The default tab for the detailed help control panel is Contents, as shown in Figure 314. The Contents pane shows a table of contents for the help information. Each line in the table is a separate topic of information that can be displayed. To select a particular topic for viewing, the user clicks on a single line in the Contents pane and presses the Display button. For example, Figure 315 shows the result of the user selecting the topic "User Interface Overview" in the Contents pane, and then pressing Display.

Figure 315: Detailed help for a selected topic.

The selected topic in the Contents pane is highlighted and the associated information for that topic is displayed in the information pane on the right. To view another topic, the user selects it in the Contents pane and presses Display again. In response, the system unhighlights the previously selected topic, highlights the newly selected topic, and displays the information for the newly selected topic. Only a single topic can be selected and displayed at one time. Hence, the extent of the information displayed in the information pane is exactly one topic (if the pane is not empty). Detailed Help Index

When the user selects the Index tab in the help control panel, the system updates the help window as shown in Figure 316.

Figure 316: Detailed help index.

The Index pane shows an alphabetic list of index terms that appear in the body of the help information. Each line of the Index pane is a term consisting of a keyword or key phrase that is described in the help information. To select a term for viewing, the user clicks on a single line in the Index pane and presses the Display button. For example, Figure 317 shows the result of the user selecting the term "card field constraints" and then pressing Display.

Figure 317: Detailed help for a selected term.

In response, the system displays the information for the topic in which the index term appears, with the textual context of the term highlighted. If necessary, the display is scrolled to the text location where the term appears. The scrolling is performed so that the first line of the paragraph in which the term appears is at the top of the display window.

The information pane for a displayed term contains the information for exactly one topic, where the available topics are those listed under the Contents tab. Even if an index term appears more than once in a topic (or topics), the term is linked to a single textual location. Hence, displaying an index term always leads to the same single location in the same topic.

In the Index pane of the control panel, the user can scroll through the terms in the normal way using the scroll bar on the right of the pane. The user can also scroll through the index terms by pressing one of the twenty-six small buttons labeled with the letters of the alphabet. When the user presses one of these buttons, the system scrolls the term list so that the first term starting with the selected letter appears at the top of the pane. If there is no index term starting with the selected letter, the system scrolls the list so that the term at the top of the display is the last term starting with the earliest preceding letter for which there is at least one term defined. If there is no such term, the display is unchanged. Detailed Help Search

When the user selects the Search tab in the help control panel, the system updates the help window as shown in Figure 318.

Figure 318: Detailed help search.

The user can search for a string that appears anywhere in the the detailed help information. To perform the search, the user types the desired string in the text box below the "Enter search string:" label. For example, Figure 319 shows the result of the user entering the search string "save" and then pressing Display.

Figure 319: Detailed help for a selected search string.

After a search, the system displays a list of zero or more topics in which the search string is found. In this example, the string "save" is found under the three topics "User Interface Overview", "Adding Cards" and "Saving Files". When a match is found in at least one topic, the system highlights the first topic in the list. In the information pane, the system displays the contents of the highlighted topic, with the first occurrence of the search string highlighted. As necessary, the information pane is scrolled to the text location where the search string appears. The scrolling is performed so that the first line of the paragraph in which the string appears is at the top of the display window.

The extent of a search is the text of all help topics, where the available topics are those listed under the Contents tab. The order of the search is from beginning to end through each topic, with topics searched in top-to-bottom order of the Contents tab list. If a string occurrence is found in two or more topics, the list of topics is ordered in the relative order of the Contents tab. For example, the order of the three topics shown in Figure 319 is the relative order of those topics in the Contents tab list.

As with the display of index terms, the information pane for a successful search contains the information for one topic, where the available topics are those listed under the Contents tab. In contrast to an index term, a search string may occur in more than one location and in more than one topic. If the string does appear in more than one location, the user employs the Previous Occurrence and Next Occurrence buttons to view each successive occurrence. As each occurrence is displayed, the string is highlighted and the screen is scrolled so that the first line of the paragraph in which the string appears is at the top of the information display window.

The effect of the previous and next buttons moves across topic boundaries. When the user moves to the last occurrence of a search string in one topic, pressing Next Occurrence moves to the first occurrence of the string in the next topic, if any. Similarly, when located at the first occurrence in a topic, pressing Previous Occurrence moves to the last occurrence in the preceding topic, if any. Pressing Previous Occurrence has no effect when the current occurrence is the first in the first topic. Similarly, pressing Next Occurrence has no effect at the last occurrence in the last topic.

As the cross-topic moves take place, the system changes the highlighting appropriately under the Search tab. That is, the topic highlighted under the Search tab pane is always the topic in which the currently highlighted search occurrence appears in the information pane.

The search string may consist of any typeable characters, including spaces and punctuation. If the radio button labeled "Case sensitive" is on, then the search is performed on an exact match basis. That is, an occurrence is considered a match if it is textually identical to the search string, based on all characters in the string. If the Case sensitive button is off, then the search is performed on an exact match basis, except alphabetic characters are matched independent of case. Off is the initial value for the the Case sensitive button. Help Presentation Details

As the user selects different tabs in the control pane, the information pane always changes accordingly. Specifically:

  1. when the Contents tab is selected, the information pane contains the "Topic" heading and displays information for the most recently selected topic from the contents pane;
  2. when the Index tab is selected, the information pane contains the "Term" heading and displays information for the most recently selected term from the Index pane;
  3. when the Search tab is selected, the information pane contains the "Search String" heading and displays information for the most recently entered search string.
In all cases, the very first time the user selects a tab, the corresponding information pane is empty except for the heading title.

When the user switches between tabs in the help control panel, the state of the control pane is the same as it was when the tab was most recently selected. Specifically, the most recently selected item (if any) is still highlighted, and the scrolled position of the display is as it was when the tab was most recently selected. For example, if the user selects the Search tab in the context of Figure 317 and then reselects the Index tab, the resulting display again looks exactly the same as Figure 317.

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