2.6. Administrative Functions

Scenarios in this section illustrate functions available to the system administrator. These functions allow an administrator to update the user, group, room, and global option databases.

2.6.1. User Database

When the user selects the `Users ...' item in the privileged `Admin' menu, the system responds with the dialog shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22: User database dialog.

Need to explain all of the functionality. Adding a User

When the user selects the 'Users->Add' item from the 'Admin' menu, the system displays the dialog shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23: Add-user dialog. Deleting a User Changing a User Finding a User

2.6.2. Group Database

The group database dialog is similar to the user database dialog, as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24: Group database dialog.

NOTE: Include a field that allows the existence of the group and/or its membership to be kept private. Room Database Global Options

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