2.3.7. Receiving Reminders

When scheduled items are entered with reminding turned on, the user receives the reminders as specified in the original scheduling dialog. It is important to note that the Calendar system itself need not be running in order for the user to receive reminders, though clearly the computer system on which the Calendar tool is installed must be running.

As described in the earlier scenarios, there are three types of reminders that the user can elect to receive: on-screen message, audible beep, or email message. For example, when it is time for the dentist appointment scheduled in Section 2.2 the user receives the reminder shown in Figure 9.

-- On paper -- need to draw electronic version. --

Figure 9: Dentist apppointment reminder.

In section 2.? the user scheduled an event with a 2-day advance email reminder. The reminder message sent by the system for this event is shown in Figure 10.

-- On paper -- need to draw electronic version. --

Figure 10: Event email reminder.

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