package view; import java.util.Collection; import schedule.DateNumber; import schedule.Time; import schedule.Duration; import schedule.Category; /** * A DailyAgenda has a full day name and a list of time-slot descriptors. The * FullDayName consists of the day name itself (e.g., Wednesday), the month, * the date, and the year. Each item in the TimeSlotDescriptor list consists * of a starting time (e.g., 8 AM) and a list of zero or more scheduled items. */ abstract class DailyAgenda { FullDayName name; Collection times; } /** * A FullDayName has the complete and unique designation of a calendar day. */ abstract class FullDayName { DayName day; MonthName month; DateNumber date; YearNumber year; } enum DayName { Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday } enum MonthName { January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December } /** * A time slot descriptor represents one slot (physically, a row) in a daily * agenda. The TimeSlotName component is the start time for the slot. The * list of BriefItemDescriptors contains the items that begin within the slot, * where "within" is defined as the start time plus the current time increment. * The overlaps component is a list of items with start times that overlap with * an item in the BriefItemDescriptor list. */ abstract class TimeSlotDescriptor { TimeSlotName slotName; Collection itemDescriptors; Overlaps overlaps; } /** * A TimeSlotName consists of a numeric TimeValue and an AmOrPm indicator. * TO DO: this definition should be reconciled as appropriate with the * definition of Time in */ abstract class TimeSlotName { int timeValue; AMorPM amOrPm; } /** * A brief item descriptor contains a subset of the information for a full * scheduled item. The information is a Title, StartTime, Duration, and * Category. */ abstract class BriefItemDescriptor { String title; Time startTime; Duration duration; Category category; } /** * Overlaps contain zero or more BriefItemDescriptors that overlap with with * the master item in a given time slot. An overlapping item is one with a * start time within the same time slot as other items. The "master" item in a * time slot is the item that is first in a sorted order based on start time, * duration, and alphabetic title as the primary, secondary, and tertiary sort * keys, respectively. */ abstract class Overlaps { Collection descriptors; } abstract class DailyFormatOptions { NormalTimeRangeOption normalTimeRangeOption; TimeIncrementOption timeIncrementOption; int incrementHeightOption; ShowOrHide showHide24HoursOption; ShowOrHide showHideExactTimeOption; ShowOrHide showHideDashedLinesOption; ShowOrHide showHideExtensionArrowsOption; OnOrOff proportionalSpacingOnOffOption; DisplayOverlapsOption displayOverlapsOption; DefaultHeightAndWidthOption defaultHeightAndWidthOption; } abstract class NormalTimeRangeOption {Time startTime; Time endTime;} abstract class TimeIncrementOption {int hours; int minutes;} enum ShowOrHide {Show, Hide} enum OnOrOff {On, Off} enum DisplayOverlapsOption {Horizontal, Vertical} abstract class DefaultHeightAndWidthOption {int height; int Width;} abstract class Hour { int value; // Must be legal hour value } abstract class Minute { int value; // Must be legal minute value } enum AMorPM { AM, PM } abstract class WeeklyAgendaTable { FullWeekName name; Collection slots; } abstract class FullWeekName { MonthName month; DateNumberRange dateRange; YearNumber year; } abstract class DateNumberRange { DateNumber start; DateNumber end; } abstract class WeeklyTimeSlot { Collection items; } abstract class WeeklyItemDescription { DayName day; TimeRange range; String truncatedTitle; } abstract class TimeRange { Time start; Time end; } abstract class WeeklyAgendaList { FullWeekName name; Collection items; } abstract class DailyItemList { DayName name; DateNumber date; Collection items; } abstract class MonthlyAgenda { FullMonthName name; DayName firstDay; NumberOfDaysPerMonth numberOfDays; Collection items; } abstract class DailyItemDescription { String value; // to be refined } abstract class FullMonthName { MonthName month; YearNumber year; } class NumberOfDaysPerMonth { int value; // Must be between 28 and 31, inclusive } abstract class YearlyCalendar { YearNumber year; Collection months; } abstract class SmallMonthView { /* ... */ } /** * A YearNumber is a positive integer between 0 and 9999. It's defined as a * separate class in case we want to enforce the value range restriction within * the class constructor. */ abstract class YearNumber { int value; } /* * Model operations to place in the appropriate class: * DailyAgenda viewDay(Calendar); WeeklyAgendaTable viewWeekTable(Calendar); WeeklyAgendaList viewWeekList(Calendar); MonthlyAgenda viewMonth(Calendar); YearlyCalendar viewYear(Calendar); * */