2.6. Administrative Functions

Scenarios in this section illustrate functions available to the system administrator. These functions allow an administrator to update the user, group, room, and global option databases.

2.6.1. User Database Adding a User

When the user selects the 'Users->Add' item from the 'Admin' menu, the system displays the dialog shown in Figure 49.

Figure 49: Add-user dialog. Deleting a User Changing a User Finding a User

2.6.2. Group Database

[Include a field that allows the existence of the group and/or its membership to be kept private. Also include confirmation protocol that allows the intended group leader to accept or decline becoming group leader.]

When the adminstrator assigns one or more users to be a group leader, the assignment does not take effect until the assignee(s) is(are) notified and confirm the assignment. Specifically, when the uGroup Add command is confirmed by the administrator, a confirmation requiest is made to each of the assigned group leaders. The form of the confirmation request depends upon the current setting of an assigned leader's reminders options. Specifically, the confirmation requrest is sent immediately as an on-screen pop-up window if the assigned leader has 'on screen' selected as the default value for receiving reminders. For any other setting default reminders setting, the system sends the leader confirmation request via email.

To avoid the potential difficulties of interfacing the Calendar Tool with a variety of different email systems, blah, blah, blah ... .

Figure 50: New group leader confirmation.

2.6.3. Room Database

2.6.4. Global Defaults

2.6.5. Group Leader Priveleges

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