5.6. File Handling (file.rsl)

 * Module File defines the objects and operations related to file processing
 * in the calendar system.

module File;

  operation FileNew is
    inputs: ;
    outputs: ;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

end FileNew;

  operation FileOpen is
    inputs: ;
    outputs: ;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end FileOpen;

  operation FileClose is
    inputs: ;
    outputs: ;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end FileClose;

  operation FileSaveAs is
    inputs: ;
    outputs: ;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end FileSaveAs;

  operation FilePrint is
    inputs: ;
    outputs: ;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end FilePrint;

  operation FileExit is
    inputs: ;
    outputs: ;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*

  end FileExit;

end File;

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