2.4.4. Details of Recurring Items

When the user checks the Recurring box in any scheduling dialog, the data-entry boxes to the right become active, as shown in the dialog excerpt in Figure 41.

-- To appear. --

Figure 41: Information for a recurring item.

There are four selections available for the recurring interval: weekly, biweekly, monthly, and yearly. When the user selects the down-pointing arrow in the Interval box, the system displays the list of selections, as shown in Figure 42.

-- To appear. --

Figure 42: Interval selections. Weekly and Biweekly Intervals

The default recurring interval is weekly. When either this interval or the biweekly interval is selected, the scheduling dialog contains seven check boxes to the right of the interval selection, one box for each day of the week. When the user checks one or more of the day boxes, the system schedules the item to recur on the selected day(s). For example, ... . Monthly Intervals

When the user selects the monthly interval, the system changes the recurring dialog display as shown in Figure 43.

        Which months:
           Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec

        Which days of the week:                 Which dates:
           1st week: S  M  T  W  Th  F  S        1  2  3  4  5  6  7
           2nd week: S  M  T  W  Th  F  S        8  9 10 11 12 13 14
           3rd week: S  M  T  W  Th  F  S       15 16 17 18 19 20 21
           4th week: S  M  T  W  Th  F  S       22 23 24 25 26 27 28
           5th week: S  M  T  W  Th  F  S       29 39 31
          last week: S  M  T  W  Th  F  S

Figure 43: Monthly interval selected.

The deal is that the seven day boxes are replaced with a button labeled "Details". When the user presses this button, the monthly details dialog pops up, a sketch of which follows. Yearly Intervals

[Sketch: The yearly interval is simply an on/off setting indicating that an item recurs once every year on the same date. I.e., no additional details dialog appears with the yearly interval is selected. Even though this kind of yearly recurrence could be specified using monthly, we'll leave it as a convenience for the user, i.e., a quick way to do a yearly thing.

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