5.1. Scheduling (schedule.rsl)

 * Module Schedule defines the objects and operations related to scheduling
 * appointments, meetings, events, and tasks in the Calendar system.

module Schedule;

  from CalendarDB import CalendarDB;
  export ScheduledItem, Title, StartTime, Duration, Category, Date, Hours,

  object ScheduledItem is
    components: Title and StartOrDueDate and EndDate and Category;
    description: (*
        A ScheduledItem is the generic definition for the types of items stored
        in a calendar.  The Title component is a brief description of what the
        item is for.  The StartOrDueDate and EndDate components indicate when
        the item is scheduled.  The Category component is used to organize
        items into related color-coded categories.

        There are four specializations of ScheduledItem.  They are Appointment,
        Meeting, Event, and Task, q.q.v.
  end ScheduledItem;

  object Appointment inherits from ScheduledItem
    components: StartTime and Duration and RecurringInfo and Location and
        AppointmentSecurity and AppointmentPriority and AppointmentRemindInfo
        and Details;
    description: (*
        An Appointment adds a number of components to a generic ScheduledItem.
        The StartTime and Duration indicate when the appointment starts and how
        long it lasts.  The Location is where it is held.  The
        AppointmentSecurity indicates who can see that the appointment is
        scheduled.  AppointmentPriority is how important the appointment is.
        RemindInfo indicates if and how the user is reminded of the
        appointment.  Details are free form text describing any specific
        appointment details.
  end Appointment;

  object Meeting inherits from ScheduledItem
    components: StartTime and Duration and RecurringInfo and Location and
        MeetingSecurity and AppointmentPriority and AppointmentRemindInfo and
        Attendees and Details;
    description: (*
        Like an Appointment, a Meeting adds components to a generic
        ScheduledItem.  A Meeting differs from an Appointment as follows: (1)
        AppointmentSecurity (for an Appointment) includes a private option that
        is not available in the MeetingSecurity component for meetings.  (2)
        Meetings have an Attendees component; appointments do not.  This extra
        component reflects the fact that a meeting is scheduled for more than
        one person, whereas an appointment is for a single user.  Scheduling a
        meeting involves checking more than one user calendar and finding a
        common time among all attendees.  The description of the
        ScheduleMeeting operation has further details.
  end Meeting;

  object Task inherits from ScheduledItem
    components: RecurringInfo and AppointmentSecurity and TaskPriority and
        TaskRemindInfo and Details and CompletedFlag and CompletionDate;
    description: (*
        Like an Appointment, a Task adds a number of components to a generic
        ScheduledItem.  A Task differs from an Appointment as follows: (1)
        Appointments have StartTime, Duration, and Location; Tasks do not.  (2)
        For Appointments, the priority is either 'Must' or 'Optional'; for
        Tasks, priority is a positive integer indicating the relative priority
        of a task compared to other tasks.  (3) For appointments, reminders can
        be set to occur at hour or minute granularity; for tasks, the smallest
        granularity of reminder is a day.  (4) Tasks have a CompletedFlag, and
        CompletionDate components; appointments do not.
  end Task;

  object Event inherits from ScheduledItem
    components: Location;
    description: (*
        An Event is the simplest type of ScheduledItem.  The only component it
        adds to is Location.
  end Event;

  object AppointmentPriority is
    components: Must or Optional;
    description: (*
        An AppointmentPriority indicates whether an appointment is a must or if
        it is optional.  This information is used to indicate the general
        importance of an appointment to the user.  The operational use of
        AppointmentPriority is in the ScheduleMeeting operation, where the
        meeting scheduler can elect to consider optional appointments as
        allowable times for a meeting.
  end AppointmentPriority;

  object Must;
  object Optional;

  object TaskPriority is integer
    description: (*
        A TaskPriority is a positive integer that defines the priority of one
        task relative to others.
  end TaskPriority;

  axiom forall (tp: TaskPriority) tp >= 0;

  object Title is string
    description: (*
        A Title is a free-form text string describing a scheduled item.
  end Title;

  object StartOrDueDate is Date
    description: (*
        StartOrDueDate is a multi-purpose component of ScheduledItem.  Its
        purpose depends on whether an item is a Task and whether it is
        recurring (Events cannot recur).  For non-recurring appointments and
        meetings, StartOrDueDate is used as the single date on which the item
        is scheduled.  If the item is recurring, StartOrDueDate is the first
        date on which it occurs.  For a non-recurring Task, StartOrDueDate is
        the single date the task is due.  If the task is recurring,
        StartOrDueDate is the first date it is due.
  end StartDate;

  object EndDate is Date
    description: (*
        In recurring appointments, meetings, and tasks, the end date defines
        the last date on which the item will recur.  In events, the end date
        defines the last date of a multi-day event.  When the value of end date
        is empty, the StartOrDueDate component is interpreted as the single
        date on which the item occurs.
  end EndDate;

  object Date is string
    description: (*
        For now, a Date is just as string.  This definition will expand soon.
  end Date;

  object StartTime is Time
    description: (*
        StartTime is the starting time of a scheduled item.
  end StartTime;

  object Duration is
    components: Hours and Minutes;
    description: (*
        Duration is the time length of a scheduled item, in hours and minutes.
  end Duration;

  object Hours is integer;
  object Minutes is integer;

  object Time is string
    description: (*
        As with Date, Time is for now just as string.  This definition will
        expand soon.
  end Time;

  object RecurringInfo is
    components: IsRecurring and Interval and IntervalDetails;
    description: (*
        RecurringInfo has components to specify the nature of a recurring item.
        IsRecurring is an on/off flag that indicates whether an item recurs.
        Interval is one of Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, or Yearly.  The
        IntervalDetails component defines the precise means to define
        recurrence for the different interval levels.
  end RecurringInfo;

  object IsRecurring is boolean;

  obj Interval is
    components: Weekly or Biweekly or Monthly or Yearly;
    description: (*
        Interval specifies the granularity at which recurring items are
        defined.  The Weekly and Biweekly settings allow the user to specify
        recurrence on one or more days of the week.  The Monthly setting allows
        the user to specify recurrence on one or more days in one or more weeks
        of each month.  The Yearly setting allows the user to specify
        recurrence on one or more specific dates in the year.
  end Interval;

  object Weekly;
  object Biweekly;
  object Monthly;
  object Yearly;

  object IntervalDetails is
    components: WeeklyDetails or MonthlyDetails;
    description: (*
        IntervalDetails are either weekly or monthly.
  end IntervalDetails;

  object WeeklyDetails is
    components: OnSun and OnMon and OnTue and OnWed and OnThu and OnFri and
    description: (*
        WeeklyDetails has an on/off setting for each day of the week on which
        an item recurs.  These details are also used for the BiWeekly setting
        of the recurrance interval.
  end WeeklyDetails;

  object MonthlyDetails is
    components: MonthlyDayDetails or MonthlyDateDetails;
    description: (*
        MonthlyDetails can be specificed on a day-of-the-week basis or on
        specifc date(s) basis.  The two components contain the specific details
        for these two types of settings.
  end MonthlyDetails;

  object MonthlyDayDetails is
    components: FirstWeekDetails and SecondWeekDetails and ThirdWeekDetails and
        FourthWeekDetails and FifthWeekDetails and LastWeekDetails;
    description: (*
        MonthlyDayDetails contains a weekly details component for each possible
        week of a month.  The First- through ThirdWeekDetails are distinct for
        all possible months.  Depending on the configuration of a particular
        month in a particular year, there is potential conflict in specifying
        recurrance in the fourth, fifth, or last weeks.  The conflicts are
        resolved as follows:

        For months with 4 weeks only, the settings in FifthWeekDetails do not
        apply, and the setings in LastWeekDetails, if present, override any
        settings in FourthWeekDetails.  For months with 5 weeks only, the
        settings in LastWeekDetails, if present, override any settings in
        FifthWeekDetails.  (For months with 6 weeks, the LastWeekDetails
        component applies to the 6th week, and there are no conflicts.)
  end MonthlyDayDetails;

  object MonthlyDateDetails is
    components: DateNumber*;
    description: (*
        MonthlyDateDetails is a list of zero or more specific dates in a month
        on which an item recurs.
  end MonthlyDateDetails;

  object DateNumber is integer;
  object OnSun is boolean;
  object OnMon is boolean;
  object OnTue is boolean;
  object OnWed is boolean;
  object OnThu is boolean;
  object OnFri is boolean;
  object OnSat is boolean;

  object FirstWeekDetails is WeeklyDetails;
  object SecondWeekDetails is WeeklyDetails;
  object ThirdWeekDetails is WeeklyDetails;
  object FourthWeekDetails is WeeklyDetails;
  object FifthWeekDetails is WeeklyDetails;
  object LastWeekDetails is WeeklyDetails;

  object Category is
    components: Name and StandardColor;
    description: (*
        A Category has a Name and StandardColor, which serve distinguish it
        from other categories.  Colored-coded categories serve visual cues to
        the user when viewing lists of scheduled items in some form.
        Categories can also be used in filtered viewing.
  end Category;

  object StandardColor is
    components: Black or Brown or Red or Orange or Yellow or Green or Blue or
    description: (*
        A StandardColor is one of a fixed set of possibilities.
  end StdColor;

  object Black;
  object Brown;
  object Red;
  object Orange;
  object Yellow;
  object Green;
  object Blue;
  object Purple;

  object Location is string
    description: (*
        Location is a free-form string indicating in what physical location an
        item is scheduled.
  end Location;

  object AppointmentSecurity is
    components: Public or PublicTitle or Confidential or Private;
    description: (*
        AppointmentSecurity is one of four possible levels, each of which is
        described individually in its own object definition.  The selected
        level specifies the degree of visibility a scheduled item has to other
        users.  For an appointment, task, or event, "other users" are defined
        as all users other than the user on whose calendar the scheduled item
        appears.  For a meeting, "other users" are defined as all users not on
        the Attendee list of the meeting.
  end AppointmentSecurity;

  object MeetingSecurity is
    components: Public or PublicTitle or Confidential;
    description: (*
        MeetingSecurity is the same as AppointmentSecurity, without the
        Private level.  The meanings of the remaining three levels are the
        same as in AppointmentSecurity.
  end MeetingSecurity;

  object Public
    description: (*
        Public security means other users can see the scheduled item and all
        the information about the item.
  end Public;

  object PublicTitle
    description: (*
        PublicTitle security means other users can see the title of the
        scheduled item but none of the other information about the item.
  end Public;

  object Confidential
    description: (*
        Confidential security means other users can only see that a user is
        unavailable for the time period of a scheduled item; no other
        information about the scheduled item is visible.  Since confidential
        security applies to a specific time period, it is meaningful only for
        appointments and meetings, not for tasks or events; tasks and events do
        not have specific time components.

  object Private
    description: (*
        Private security means other users see no information at all about a
        scheduled item, not even that the item is scheduled.  Note that private
        security hides a scheduled item from the ScheduleMeeting operation,
        q.v., so that a meeting may be scheduled at the same time as a private
        appointment.  It is up to the user to handle this situation by
        accepting or refusing the scheduled meeting.  Given the nature of
        private security, it does not apply to meetings.  I.e., only
        appointments can have private security.

  object RemindInfo is
    components: OnScreen or BeepOnly or Email;
    description: (*
        RemindInfo defines one of three ways that the user is alerted when a
        scheduled event is to occur.  OnScreen means the user is reminded with
        a pop-up alert on her computer screen.  BeepOnly means the user is
        reminded with a simple audible tone on the computer.  Email means the
        user is sent an electronic mail message reminder.
  end RemindInfo;

  object OnScreen;
  object BeepOnly;
  object Email;

  object AppointmentRemindInfo inherits from RemindInfo
    components: integer and AppointmentReminderUnits;
    description: (*
        AppointmentRemindInfo specializes RemindInfo by adding information for
        how soon before a scheduled item the reminder is to be sent.  For
        appointments, the time units are minutes, hours, or days
        (cf. TaskRemindInfo).
  end RemindInfo;

  object TaskRemindInfo inherits from RemindInfo
    components: integer and TaskReminderUnits;
    description: (*
        TaskRemindInfo specializes RemindInfo by adding information for how
        soon before a task the reminder is to be sent.  For tasks, the time
        units are days.
  end RemindInfo;

  object AppointmentReminderUnits is
    components: MinutesBefore or HoursBefore or DaysBefore;
    description: (*
        Appointment reminders can come minutes, hours, or days before an
        appointment.  Each of these units can be fractional, for maximum
  end AppointmentReminderUnits;

  object TaskReminderUnits is
    components: DaysBefore;
    description: (*
        Tasks reminders can come only days before a task is due.  A fractional
        day can be used for smaller granularity if desired.
  end TaskReminderUnits;

  object MinutesBefore is real;
  object HoursBefore is real;
  object DaysBefore is real;

  object Details is string
    description: (*
        Details is a plain text string describing any details about a scheduled
        item the user may care to add.
  end Details;

  object Attendees
    components: Name*;
    description: (*
        Attendees is a list of names of those who attend a meeting.
  end Attendees;

  object Name is string;

  object CompletedFlag is boolean
    description: (*
        CompletedFlag is true if a Task has been completed, false if not.  The
        system does not enforce any specific constraints on the setting of a
        task's CompletedFlag.  That is, the user may set or clear it at will.
        Hence the meaning of the CompletedFlag is up to user interpretation,
        particularly for recurring tasks.
  end CompletionDate;

  object CompletionDate is
    components: Date;
    description: (*
        CompletionDate is date on which as task is completed.  AThe system does
        not enforce any specific constraints on the setting of a task's
        CompletionDate (other than it being a legal Date value).  The meaning
        of the CompletionDate value is up to user interpretation, particularly
        for recurring tasks.
  end CompletionDate;

  operation ScheduleAppointment is
    inputs: CalendarDB, Appointment;
    outputs: cdb':CalendarDB;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*
        ScheduleAppointment adds the given Appointment to the given
        CalendarDB, if an appointment of the same time, duration, and title is
        not already scheduled.
  end ScheduleAppointment;

  operation ScheduleMeeting is
    inputs: CalendarDB, MeetingRequest;
    outputs: PossibleMeetingTimes;
    preconditions: (* User must be group leader *);
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*
        ScheduleMeeting uses the given MeetingRequest to determine possible
        times that the requested meeting might be held, within the existing set
        of scheduled items in the CalendarDB.  The PossibleMeetingTimes output
        is a list of zero or more possible times and dates that the meeting can
        be held.
  end ScheduleMeeting;

  object MeetingRequest inherits from Meeting
    where: StartDate = EarliestStartDate, EndDate=LatestEndDate,
    components: LatestStartDate and LatestEndDate and LatestStartTime;
    description: (*
        A meeting request has all the components of a meeting plus three
        additional components to specify the latest dates and time at which the
        meeting can be scheduled.  A meeting request is used to specify a range
        of possible meeting times, to allow scheduling alternatives to be
        considered.  The description of the ScheduleMeeting operation has
        further details on how meeting requests are handled.
  end MeetingRequest;

  object EarliestStartDate is Date;
  object LatestStartDate is Date;
  object EarliestEndDate is Date;
  object LatestEndDate is Date;
  object EarliestStartTime is Time;
  object LatestStartTime is Time;

  object PossibleMeetingTimes is (StartTime and Date)*;

  operation ConfirmMeeting is
    inputs: CalendarDB, MeetingRequest, PossibleMeetingTimes, SelectedTime;
    outputs: CalendarDB;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*
        ConfirmMeeting takes a CalendarDB, MeetingRequest, list of
        PossibleMeetingTimes, and a Selected time from the list.  It outputs a
        new CalendarDB with the given request scheduled at the selected time.
        Further details of output constraints are forthcoming.
  end ConfirmMeeting;

  object SelectedTime is integer;

  operation ScheduleTask is
    inputs: CalendarDB, Task;
    outputs: ;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*
        ScheduleTask adds the given Task to the given CalendarDB, if a task of
        the same time, duration, and title is not already scheduled.
  end ScheduleTask;

  operation ScheduleEvent is
    inputs: CalendarDB, Event;
    outputs: CalendarDB;
    preconditions: ;
    postconditions: ;
    description: (*
        ScheduleEvent adds the given Event to the given CalendarDB, if an event
        of the same time, duration, and title is not already scheduled.
  end ScheduleEvent;

end Schedule;

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