%A Fisher, G %T The Inferno Educational Software Development Environment %R Technical Report 98-2 %I Department of Computer Science, Californa Polytechnic State University %D 1998 %O http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~gfisher/projects/alpha/inferno %K Fisher:98a # techreport %A Fisher, G %T The Polysuite Outside Developers Agreeement %R Technical Report 98-3 %I Department of Computer Science, Californa Polytechnic State University %D 1998 %O http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~gfisher/projects/alpha/polysuite/documentation/outside-devel.html %K Fisher:98c # techreport %A Fisher, G %T The Polysuite Office Tool Environment %R Technical Report 98-2 %I Department of Computer Science, Californa Polytechnic State University %D 1998 %O http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~gfisher/projects/alpha/polysuite %K Fisher:98b # techreport %A Osterweil, L. %A others %T JIL ... %J Need Journal %P need pages %D need date %K Osterweil # article %A Taylor, R. N. %A others %T Endeavors ... %J Need Journal %P need pages %D need date %K Taylor # article %A Whoever %A others %T Survey of Process-Centered SDEs ... %J Need Journal %D need date %K Osterweil # book