package schedule; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; /**** * * Class RecurringInfoSubDialog is a component of the ScheduleAppointment, * ConfirmMeeting, and ScheduleTask Dialogs. RecurringInfoSubDialog displays * the row of recurring information. *

* The information is composed as the default configuration consisting of a * recurring checkbox, a interval combo box, and the weekly interval details. * */ public class RecurringInfoSubdialog extends JPanel { /** * Construct this, per the design explained in the class comment. */ public RecurringInfoSubdialog() { maxComponentHeight = 1.9; maxComponentWidth = 1200; Box hbox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); JLabel recurringLabel = new JLabel("Recurring? "); recurringLabel.setForeground(; recurringCheckBox = new JCheckBox(); intervalLabel = new JLabel("Interval: "); intervalLabel.setForeground(; intervalLabel.setEnabled(false); String[] selections = {"weekly", "biweekly", "monthly", "yearly"}; intervalComboBox = new JComboBox(selections); intervalComboBox.setEnabled(false); intervalComboBox.setMaximumSize( new Dimension(maxComponentWidth, (int)(maxComponentHeight * intervalComboBox.getFont().getSize()))); hbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(15)); hbox.add(recurringLabel); hbox.add(recurringCheckBox); hbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); hbox.add(intervalLabel); hbox.add(intervalComboBox); hbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(15)); hbox.add(composeWeeklyCheckBoxes()); hbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(15)); add(hbox); } /** * Compose the seven day-of-the-week checkboxes. */ protected Box composeWeeklyCheckBoxes() { Box hbox = Box.createHorizontalBox(); hbox.add(composeDayCheckBox(sunCheckBox = new JCheckBox(), sunLabel = new JLabel("S"))); sunLabel.setForeground(; hbox.add(composeDayCheckBox(monCheckBox = new JCheckBox(), monLabel = new JLabel("M"))); monLabel.setForeground(; hbox.add(composeDayCheckBox(tueCheckBox = new JCheckBox(), tueLabel = new JLabel("T"))); tueLabel.setForeground(; hbox.add(composeDayCheckBox(wedCheckBox = new JCheckBox(), wedLabel = new JLabel("W"))); wedLabel.setForeground(; hbox.add(composeDayCheckBox(thuCheckBox = new JCheckBox(), thuLabel = new JLabel("T"))); thuLabel.setForeground(; hbox.add(composeDayCheckBox(friCheckBox = new JCheckBox(), friLabel = new JLabel("F"))); friLabel.setForeground(; hbox.add(composeDayCheckBox(satCheckBox = new JCheckBox(), satLabel = new JLabel("S"))); satLabel.setForeground(; return hbox; } /** * Compose one of the weekly check boxes as a vbox with a label on top and * check box below. I couldn't find any way to have JFC put its built-in * check box label on top instead of to the right. Whatever. */ Box composeDayCheckBox(JCheckBox cbox, JLabel label) { Box vbox = Box.createVerticalBox(); label.setAlignmentX(Box.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); label.setEnabled(false); cbox.setAlignmentX(Box.CENTER_ALIGNMENT); cbox.setEnabled(false); vbox.add(label); vbox.add(cbox); return vbox; } /** The parent apppointment dialog view. */ ScheduleAppointmentDialog parentView; /** The checkbox that indicates whether the scheculed item recurs. */ protected JCheckBox recurringCheckBox; /** The interval combobox for weekly, biweekly, monthly, or yearly. */ protected JComboBox intervalComboBox; /** The label for the interval combobox. It's a data field since it needs to be set enabled or disabled dynamically */ protected JLabel intervalLabel; /** The Sunday checkbox. */ protected JCheckBox sunCheckBox; /** The Sunday label. */ protected JLabel sunLabel; /** The Monday checkbox. */ protected JCheckBox monCheckBox; /** The Monday label. */ protected JLabel monLabel; /** The Tuesday checkbox. */ protected JCheckBox tueCheckBox; /** The Tuesday label. */ protected JLabel tueLabel; /** The Wednesday checkbox. */ protected JCheckBox wedCheckBox; /** The Wednesday label. */ protected JLabel wedLabel; /** The Thursday checkbox. */ protected JCheckBox thuCheckBox; /** The Thursday label. */ protected JLabel thuLabel; /** The Friday checkbox. */ protected JCheckBox friCheckBox; /** The Friday label. */ protected JLabel friLabel; /** The Saturday checkbox. */ protected JCheckBox satCheckBox; /** The Saturday label. */ protected JLabel satLabel; /** The max height of a text field or combobox; this is necessary since these components strech when the outer frame is resized, and look very funky when they do */ protected final double maxComponentHeight; /** The max width of any component; this is only necessary because the max height cannot be set separately, so we must pick some max width. */ protected final int maxComponentWidth; }