2.5.1. Item-Level Viewing

Item-level viewing for appointments was introduced in Section This section covers further details of appointment viewing, as well as item views for meetings, tasks, and events. Independent of item type, the user views an item by selecting its time or title in any larger-grain view, and then executing the `View Item' menu command. This series of interactions is illustrated in Figures 25 and 26 A short cut to view an item is to double click on the item time or title. Complete details of target item selection are covered in Section 2.11.5.

Common to all item views are change, delete, and clear buttons at the bottom of the display. In the initial viewing state, the change and clear buttons are disabled, and the delete button is enabled. If the user edits one or more data fields, the button states are reversed, with change and clear enabled, delete disabled. The scenarios of this section focus on viewing scheduled items prior to any editing by the user. Hence all item-level displays are shown in the initial change-disabled state. Complete details of changing and deleting items are covered in Section 2.5.2

NOTE: Details need to be filled in, as outlined in the following subsections. Viewing Appointment Items Viewing Meeting Items

Important point to cover is how not-yet-accepted meetings appear at the item level. Viewing Task Items

Important point to cover is what the display completion status information. Viewing Event Items

Not expecting anything special here. Item-Level Viewing in Other Users' Calendars

Be sure to say that other-user views are completely read only.

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