CSC 309 Final Project Checklist

CSC 309 Final Project Checklist

The project is due no later than
11:59PM Thursday 11 June 2015

administration: (6% of project score)

  • design: (36% of project score)
    • top-level project description, in design/javadoc/overview.html
    • complete package documentation, in package.html files for each package directory
    • complete class documentation, per Java design and implementation conventions
      NOTE: don't forget the author comment for each class file; for files with multiple authors, indicate the percentage of contribution of each author
    • complete method documentation, per Java design and implementation conventions
      NOTE: for model class methods that are to be formally tested, include pre- and postconditions in method documentation comment
    • complete data field documentation, per Java design and implementation conventions, suitably adapted to your development language
    • design diagrams in images subdirectory; NOTE: no diagrams are required

  • implementation and execution: (30% of project score)
    • completed source code in source/java (or equivalent) subdirectory
    • complete in-line code documentation, per Java design and implementation conventions (NOTE: in-line code comments are not required, but if provided they must follow conventions)
    • compiled executable code in executables/JVM (or equivalent) subdirectory
    • stand-alone .jar file(s) (or equivalent) in executables/JVM (or equivalent) subdirectory

  • testing, system and acceptance: (28% of project score)
    • up-to-date integration test plan in implementation/source/java/your-tool/package.html
    • directory structure set up as described in week 5 lecture notes, or the appropriate set-up per the testing framework your team has used; for the 309 framework
    • completed testing Makefile, or the equivalent, in the testing/implementation/source/java subdirectory, or the directory appropriate to your team's testing framework, as described in HOW-TO-RUN-TESTS
    • for each team member, the set of system testing files, stored in the appropriate testing subdirectories:
      • class test plans in testing class header documentation
      • unit test plans in testing class methods documentation
      • test implementation in testing method bodies
    • for each team member, the acceptance testing subdirectory under testing/acceptance:
      • the subdirectory is mnemonically named for the area of user-level functionality for which the acceptance tests are run
      • the subdirectory contains one or more acceptance test plans, and their execution results