CSC 309 Requirements Specifications

CSC 309
Requirements Specifications

Listed below are projects that have specs for the projects we'll work on in 309 this quarter. As described in the Milestone 1 writeup, there are the projects from last quarter in CSC 308, plus some additional projects from earlier quarters, with notable features to be considered.

Depending on team preferences, you may choose to continue working on the same project you had last quarter, or work on a different project this quarter. Once teams are formed, we will meet during first-week labs to consider project selection details.

Note that none of the specs from previous quarters is perfect. If you use features from any of these specs, they will require careful review and specification change orders as necessary.

Also note that past quarters of 308 used a modeling language different from Java. The data dictionary generated from the formal specification can be useful, but you are not expected to read or understand the compilable model code. If you use requirements from previous quarters, you'll need to generate the Java model from scratch, but this should not be an overly difficult task.