2.7.4. Manage TA

The instructor can add and manage TAs through this window. The editable permissions for TAs are: exporting, adding assignments, and removing assignments. All TAs can edit assignments.

Figure shows an empty Manage TA window. The instructor can add, edit, or delete TAs through this window.

Figure Empty Manage TA window.

Figure shows the Manage TA window for the currently selected class with one TA for it.

Figure Filled in Manage TA window.

The Add and Edit both open up the window in Figure below. The information in the window is blank when the user clicks the Add button, but for Edit button, the window will be filled in with the information of the currently selected TA from the Manage TA window.

Figure Empty TA Dialogue window.

The instructor can enter or edit the TA's First and Last name as well as select permissons in addition to the default TAs have of editing assignments.

Figure shows the TA Dialogue window filled in. When the instructor presses the Submit button, the TA is added to the list in the Manage TA window, as seen in Figure

Figure Filled In TA Dialogue window.

After a TA is added to the list, the TA can login through the TA Login screen, see Figure in section 2.1.2. TA Interface Overview for their respective class.

Figure shows the TA Login window with the TA's information entered and the list of classes the TA can choose from. When the TA clicks the Submit button, the Grader Tool verifies the information before signing the TA into the gradebook.

Figure TA Initial Screen Filled in.

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