Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.4.3 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3P1 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3I1 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3A1 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3P2 CR 2dec12 FIX Put Adding Graded Items link at the end of the following sentence instead 'The grader tool presents the Modify Graded Item window (Figure, which contains the same fields as in the Add Graded Items page.'
2.4.3I2 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3P3 CR 2dec12 FIX 'Total Points of % Possible' -> 'Total Points or % Possible'
put tt around 'Total Points or % Possible'
2.4.3I3 CR 2dec12 FIX CSC 308 - Modify Graded Items -> Modify Graded Items - CSC 308
2.4.3P4 CR 2dec12 FIX put tt around 'Save'
2.4.3P5 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3I3 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3A2 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3A3 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3A4 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.4.3A5 CR 2dec12 DONE