Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.2 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.2P1 CR 2dec12 FIX Put A1 and A2 links here instead and remove from bottom
2.2P2 CR 2dec12 FIX 'first' -> 'initially'
'the following dialog' -> 'the dialog shown in Figure 2.2.1.'
remove 'Each option is detailed below' if you put the links in 2.2P1 instead
2.2I1 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.2A1 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.2A2 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.2A3 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.2A4 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.2A5 CR 2dec12 DONE  
2.2A6 CR 2dec12 DONE