Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5P1 BD 6nov12 FIX "Skeletons" Editorial remark should not have a place in M6 reqs. It's done, right?
2.5P2 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5A1 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5A2 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5A3 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5A4 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5A5 BD 6nov12 FIX Link goes to wrong location.
2.5A6 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5A7 BD 6nov12 DONE  
2.5A8 BD 6nov12 DONE