Team Member Actions ====================================================================== Chase Dreszer Initial screen Press 'Login' to reach 'Create Schedule' screen Select 'Term:' in the 'Create Schedule' screen Select 'Year:' in the 'Create Schedule' screen Press 'Generate Schedule' in the 'Create Schedule' screen Sean Bayley All top level functionality (sidebar) Press 'Admin' -> 'Schedule Attributes' to reach 'Schedule Attributes' screen Select 'Time Constraints' in the 'Schedule Attributes' screen Select 'Course Constraints' in the 'Schedule Attributes' screen Select 'Proximity Constraints' in the 'Schedule Attributes' screen Riley McGovern Press 'Admin' -> 'Global Constraints' on sidebar Select 'Earliest Start Time for Classes:' in the 'Global Constraints' screen Select 'Latest End Time for Classes:' in the 'Global Constraints' screen Select 'Start Time:' in the 'Global Constraints' screen Select 'End Time:' in the 'Global Constraints' screen Select 'View/Edit Blackout Times' in the 'Global Constraints' screen Select '-' in the 'Blackout Times' screen Press 'Admin' -> 'Admin Management' on sidebar Aaron Koeppel Press 'Resources' -> 'Instructors' on sidebar Press 'Upload' button on 'Instructors' screen Press 'Resources' -> 'Courses' on sidebar Select 'Select Equipment' drop down on 'Courses' screen Select 'Select Corequisite' drop down on 'Courses' screen Press 'Resources' -> 'Rooms' on sidebar Select 'Select Equipment' drop down on 'Rooms' screen Deniz Tumer Press 'Preferences' -> 'Instructors' on sidebar Press 'Edit Time Preferences' in 'Time Preferences' section Double-click on list items in 'Courses Preferences' section for a drop down of courses Press 'Add' to add a course Press 'Remove' to remove selected course Press 'Preferences' -> 'Courses' on sidebar Select 'Select Day Patterns' drop down in 'Day Patterns' section Select 'Select Number Of Sections' drop down in 'Number Of Sections' section