package user; import java.util.Collection; import create.Schedule; /** * User is an abstract class used to model the basic User object. * * @author sbayley **/ public abstract class User { public int ID; //represents users EMPL ID public Name name; //represents users Name public Password password; //stores users password /** * Creates a new User with the supplied paramaters. * */ /*@ ensures // // first and last are valid strings, consisting only of letters. // forall(int i; (i >= 0) && (i < first.length()); Character.isLetter(first.charAt(i))) && forall(int i; (i >= 0) && (i < last.length()); Character.isLetter(last.charAt(i))) && // // ID is alphanumeric. // forall(int i; (i >= 0) && (i < ID.length()); Character.isLetterOrDigit(ID.charAt(i))); @*/ public User(int ID, String first, String last){} /** * viewSchedule allows the user to view schedules in the Schedule Database. * All Users are allowed to view schedules. */ public abstract Collection viewSchedule(); }