1.5.6. CyberMatrix Class Scheduler

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
1.5.6 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE
1.5.6 P1 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE
1.5.6 UL1 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 FIX wierd symbols in one of the list items
1.5.6 UL2 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 FIX don't know if the sub menu is actually needed. Second bullet point has an unfinished sentence.
1.5.6 UL3 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 FIX Run on in sub bullet point of first bullet point.
1.5.6 Center1 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 FIX index link goes to wrong location