2.2. Create Schedule

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.2. Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE
2.2. P1 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE "individual" to "user" for consistancy with whole projct
2.2. P2 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE I think figure numbers are inconsistant. Figure 3 was used in a different location
2.2. I1 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE pretty sure figure number incorrect
2.2. P3 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE
2.2. P4 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE Figure number incorrect baed on previous figures
2.2. I2 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE Figure number incorrect
2.2. P5 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE Figure number incorrect baed on previous figures
2.2. I3 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE Figure number incorrect
2.2. P5 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE
2.2. P5 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE
2.2. Center1 Deniz Tumer 2/4/15 DONE functional and index links broken