2.5.2. Manage Instructor Preferences

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5.2. Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE
2.5.2. P1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX "user browses to the Courses section" sounds odd.
2.5.2. I1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE
2.5.2. P2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Remove "section" (third word).
2.5.2. I2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Should be a drop-down menu for Day Pattern with pre established acceptable day Day Patterns. As of now it is not.
2.5.2. P3 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Commas could be used in place of parenthesis or statement removed completely. Also could break up the sentence into two. P1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Should be dropdown menu with all acceptable day patterns. I1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Should be dropdown menu with all acceptable day patterns. P1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX "'Number of Sections to Teach'" is in quotes, however it never shows up in the displays. I1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE P2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE I2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Way day pattern is organized.
2.5.2. An Chase Dreszer 2/15/15 DONE