2.5.1. Manage Instructor Preferences

Component Inspector Date Status Remarks
2.5.1. Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE
2.5.1. P1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX "when a user browses to the Instructors section" is worded weirdly, maybe switch "browses to the" to "is browsing the". General reconstruction of the last sentence.
2.5.1. I1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE
2.5.1. P2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Remove "section" (third word).
2.5.1. I2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX For course preferences are the instructors just selecting courses? I thought courses were to have a 0-10 scale similar to time preferences.
2.5.1. P3 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Parenthesized statement seems unnecessary. Link, when referencing. P1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Paragraphs are very well written, but I suggest the ordering of the images as 1. default 2. editing 3. Filled out as shown in your first image. I1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE P2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE I2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE P3 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Commas could take the place of the parenthesis. P1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX Should be someway to show desire of instructor to teach each of the courses rather than list. I1 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 FIX ^ P2 Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE
2.5.1. An Chase Dreszer 2/25/15 DONE