4. Developer Overview

The CSTutor is a web application that runs from a user's browser. Users have credentials to log in to gain greater access to the tool. The primary goal of the CSTutor is to provide professors and students with an additional tool to teach Computer Science material. Professors are able to show content to students, and students can interact and learn from the content.

After logging in, the primary method of managing content for students as a professor is through the manager screen. Its implementation must provide a simple way for professors to navigate to pages in a tutorial, as well as navigate to functions such as a page or quiz editor.

In addition to a manager to keep track of content, there should be an editor for the individual content pages. There will be an editor for both information pages, as well as one for quizzes. Editors for quizzes and pages already exist, so implementation should be straightforward. The most difficult part will be integrating a compiler on the application.

In terms of data management, there must be a database of users and pages, as well as the hierarchy and organization of the pages. A database may be necessary for users, but using a database for pages is probably unnecessary, as their locations and heirarchy must be kept in order.

The most difficult part of implementation is likely the chat system. Users will need to be connected through each other using networking. The simplest way will probably involve implementing an existing chat function, such as IRC.