1.1. Problem Statement
The general problems to be addressed by the CS tutor project are the following:
- Students not understanding certain concepts taught in class
- Students finding helpful resource to enhance their understanding of these concepts
While there are other tutorials and videos available, they might not fully address the problems these students have. Specific problems can include:
- Outside sources might not further explain concepts taught in class
- Reliability of outside sources
- providing a complete outline of different topics taught by the professor
The CS tutor allows instructors to design tutorials that correspond to their classes, as well as quizzes that sufficiently test students' understanding of particular concepts.
The CS tutor also addresses additional problems:
- Guidance for students on tutorials (e.g., if they failed the quizzes, the CS tutor will provide hints and guide them through sections they have difficulties understanding)
- Evaluations on the strengths and weaknesses each students' understanding of the concepts
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