package Quiz; import java.util.Collection; /** * A page has a list of questions, the number of the questions, and the last * page of questions will have hasSubmit to be true. This indicates that this * page has a submit button for people to turn in their quiz. */ public abstract class Page{ /* pre: //There has to be at least more than one page for the Quiz exists(Collection numPages; numPages.size() > 0) && //There is at least one question per page of the quiz exists(int i; i>=0 && i < numPages.size(); numPages.get(i).question.size() > 0); */ abstract void addSubmitButton(); //add new question to the page abstract void addQuestion(); //consists of a set of questions Collection question; //shows how many questions there are int amtQuestions; //a value that indicates whether the page has a submit button or not boolean hasSubmit; }