1.5.2. Easy Grade Pro 4.1
Easy Grade Pro 4.1 includes a wealth of features that will save you time and allow you to manage your student data your way. It is very user friendly, and it is very easy to navigate. The user can enter the data directly into the spreadsheet or by using the icons located on the menu bar. This software provides basic grading tools but it is missing several features that instructors and students might need.
Good Features:
Easy to use and user friendly
Provides histogram of grades of students of class
Spell Checking
Gradebooks can be accessed via internet
Provides extra credit option
Operates on Windows and Mac OSX operating systems
Ports data from files
Includes password protection
Ability to assign different types of grades to assignments
Bad Features:
Each gradebook can only be accessed by one user at a time
Application must be installed on each computer that accessed the gradebooks
Missing Features:
Cannot curve the grades
Ability to enter late policy
Does not provide student view
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