If the 'New Window' button from the 'File' menu is pressed, another window will come to focus, which will have the same spreadsheet as the current one being viewed. In the new or old window the grader can then open another spreadsheet. This feature allows for multiple windows to be open, allowing the grader to simultaneously view different spreadsheets.
2.8.2. File -> New Window
the 'Print' command gives the option for the grader to print the current spreadsheet that is being viewed. This gives the grader the ability to have both a hard and electronic copy of the grades for their class.
2.8.3. File -> Quit
When the grader is finished using the Grader Tool, he or she can exit the application with this button. If their is unsaved data when the grader hits the 'Quit' button, then a dialogue box will appear notifying the grader that there is unsaved work, and then prompts him or her if they would like to save before quitting.
2.8.4. Edit -> Undo
When the grader enters an undesired command or piece of data, he or she can then hit the 'Undo' command, which will revert the spreadsheet to it's state before the unwanted command or data was entered. The grader can hit the 'Undo' button as many times as desired, because each hit will redo a previous command.
2.8.5. Edit -> Cut
Like most other applications, the 'Cut' command will remove any highlighted text and save it to the clipboard. If the grader presses the 'Cut' command when the selected text is not in an editable field, it will save the text to the clipboard, but not remove the text. If the grader hits the 'Cut' button when nothing is selected, nothing will be removed and copied to the clipboard.
2.8.6. Edit -> Copy
The 'Copy' command behaves exactly like the 'Cut' command, except the selected text not be removed.
2.8.7. Edit -> Paste
The 'Paste' command will insert any text saved into the clipboard to wherever the cursor is located. If the cursor is not present or in an editable field, nothing will be pasted.
2.8.8. Edit -> Delete
If the cursor is in one of the cells of the spreadsheet where the grader inputs grade data, the 'Delete' button will remove the contents of that cell. This command will not remove classes, categories, assignments, or students because there are other commands in the menu bar which do so.
2.8.9. Edit -> Select
The 'Select' button will highlight the contents of the cell that the cursor is in (assuming the cursor is in a cell).
2.8.10. Edit -> Select All
The 'Select All' command will highlight all of the cells in the spreadsheet, assuming the cursor is in one of the cells.
2.8.11. Edit -> Show/Hide
If a dropdown option is currently focused, the 'Show/Hide' command will toggle whether the dropdown option is expanded or not.