1.2. System Personnel

System End Users There will be four tiers of end users for this program. The top tier will be the customer who requested the creation of this program, Gene Fisher. The other computer science teachers occupy the tier below that. The third tier represents the entirety of Cal Poly professors. Finally, the fourth tier is all school professors.

Paying Customers This program will be free for Cal Poly usage, but third party users will have to purchase the software to use it.

Project Managers The lead project manager for Garbage Collectors is Kim Paterson. The assistant project manager is Christopher Pauley. The technical leader is Andrew Gunenther. The current Secretary is Daniel Gilliland. The Documentation Specialist is Mitchell Rosen. Finally, the Aesthetic Specialist is Chris Herbert.

Domain Experts Teachers who wish to generate tests, and student who take tests administered via a stand-alone or web-based application are the domain experts.

System Analysts Our team is operating as system analysts, by researching the current available software in the same field, and planning solutions to the various missing features.

System Developers Dr. Gene Fisher and our team are acting as system developers, drafting and designing various features and implementation details. Also, we will be heavily testing and documenting this application.

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