//StudentLanding @Christopher Pauley package studentClient; import java.util.*; /** Student Landing *This is where the user goes after logging in. *There are three options- Take Test, Review Test, and Pracitce Test, *with three buttons, respectively.Clicking on any of these buttons starts *the functions associated with that button. */ public abstract class StudentLanding { /** Button mode- represents the screen to go to. buttonName- name of the button */ abstract class Button { int mode; String buttonName; } /** TakeTest- go to Take test ReviewTests- Review a Test takePracticeTest- Review Practice Test */ Button takeTest; Button reviewTests; Button takePracticeTest; int mode; /** goToTestSelect(int mode) Goes to the screen specified by mode. 1= Take test 2 = Review Test 3= Take Practice Test */ /*@ requires // // Mode is not null and Mode is between 1 and three (inclusively // ( mode >= 1 && mode <=3) ; ensures // // If preconds met, the program travels to the screen specified by mode // (\result==(mode)); @*/ public abstract int gotoTestSelect (int mode); }