1.4. Impacts

The Scheduler application will positively impact the Computer Science department in a number of ways:

  1. The scheduling administrator will have an easier time generating schedules, relieving manual labor.
  2. The transfer of generated schedules between the Computer Science department and Cal Poly's administration will be seamless.
  3. Professors will have a systematic and organized way of declaring their preferences.
  4. Professors will have a higher likelihood of having their preferences being fulfilled.
  5. Students will have the opportunity to vote on what classes they want to take in the near future.
  6. Students can view future course offerings within the department.
  7. There will be less human error.

There are also a few potential negative impacts, such as the following:
  1. Although there is proposed to be less human error, using this application might introduce computational error due to potential bugs overlooked in the scheduling algorithm.
  2. Mistype or lack of input of data entries might create incorrect schedules or schedules with missing information.
  3. Our design of the scheduling algorithm will dictate the lottery of which professors get their top choices. If not carefully thought out, this might create unfair schedules.

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