Every instance of the E-Class software will consist of 7 main parts: the chat window, the presentation area, the drawing toolbar, the note taking area, the overlay pane, the roster, and the file and options bar.
The software is highly dependent on a student database containing both students and their enrolled classes. E-Class will need to use student credentials from the university to login, and will record the student’s absences from sessions. The roster in every presentation will need to reflect the class being presented, and thus must query the database to display the enrolled students.
Importing html will require a parsing method of some sort in order to provide the collapsible bullet points that the client has requested, and displaying this along with normal html may prove to be a bit on the difficult side.
The Overlays are fairly straightforward, but will most likely require someone who specializes in graphics to implement. The difficulty in implementing the overlays will be in allowing the user to rearrange layers, and displaying concurrent layers correctly.
The greatest difficulty in implementing will be in syncing every instance of E-Class so that the chat box, presenter overlays and roster.
A server will most likely be needed in order to host any images and html files that the presenter has, in addition to the roster info,
overlay info, and chat messages. This way, every student client will be able to sync with the server in order to display the correct information.
This will also make the presentation saving process as simple as copying these files and compiling with any local data.