package instructor; import java.util.Collection; /** * This class contains the information from the database to populate the drop * down menu with current quarters to edit. * @author celind */ abstract class QuarterSelect { public Collection quarters; public Quarter selectedQuarter; /** * Selects the specific quarter from the list of quarters */ /*@ requires // // The list of quarters is not empty // (quarters.size() != 0); ensures // // A schedule is selected from the available quarters // (quarters.contains(quarter) && selectedQuarter == quarter); @*/ public abstract void selectQuarter(Quarter quarter); /** * Saves current schedule to be edited and ends QuarterSelectionGUI window */ /*@ requires // // The selected quarter is valid // quarters.contains(selectedQuarter); ensures // // A schedule is selected from the selected quarter // and inputted for instructor preferences to be edited. // quarters.contains(selectedQuarter); @*/ public abstract void submit(); } /** * Object to keep track of the quarter information the administator has added */ abstract class Quarter { /** * quarter String is defined: * Fall * Winter * Spring * Summer */ public String quarter; public int year; }